Augmented reality for Manufacturing 4.0
Appville Softwares delivers rugged Augmented reality apps in iOS, Android and wearable devices for the engineering industries in the means of equipment maintenance, and engineering repairs. The connected worker will be in place of this application.
To begin with setting a digitised Factory layout up-to maintaining the warehouse and maintenance ends, AR can play a significant role in your plant. The rapidly changing client needs demands new factories to be set with agile planning tools, production facilities and control techniques that are in pace with the evolving requisites and ever-increasing customer expectations.
Assembly as a function is enhanced to a more precise performance with the animated 3D instructions with the required components, instead of the 2D graphic equivalents. Apart from saving time, the AR app helps the technician in the assembly, to operate with meticulous and precise quality.
Warehouse and Maintenance are other areas where the ease of detecting the required goods or the defective ones is done in no time with identifying the targets through the AR app.
Hands-on training is possible both in the Technical end and in Quality Control domains.
Every function is integrated with the overall Management Information System that keeps the administrator at the helm all the time.
Preventive breakdowns avoid damage and the technology assists the factory commander to keep undesired events at check.
The benefits of AR in Manufacturing are to be experienced rather to be known.
Augmented Reality is a technology that augments or enhances all sensor-based inputs including sound, video, images and graphics onto the real-world scenario, captured using your camera, and presents a tangible and precise output of the virtual embedding.
Immersive Technology
Augmented Reality is a technology that blends the virtual component over a real object thus enhancing the details on the real object. This enriched contextual information on a real device can lead to amultitude of possibilities in industry 4.0 solutions. This information can be leveraged to assist the operator from providing basic information of the machine to even advanced troubleshooting the machine by providing step by step instructions to guide the operator.
The underlying technology of the augmented reality is basically a combination of the image processing and 3d graphics, both of which are expensive operation for a processor. With the edge processors advancing everyday, AR as technology is implemented in many smart phones and tablets. This availability empowers every smartphone users.
Benefits of Augmented reality
Augmented Reality benefits the factory establishment by bringing in the desired change as virtual data in the real world at the right space and time, enabling quicker and accurate decisions.
- Enhance the details on a real device
- Troubleshooting can be made easier
- Since information is available right next to the real device shuttling time between information and practically applying is reduced.
- Understanding the machine takes place in the same spot of operation. This will instll confidence to the operator to work on the machine
- Easily accessible for the user, since it is available in most modern smartphones
Virtual Reality for Point cloud applications
Where can we use Augmented reality
Among the various options of AR application zones, including education, training, construction, entertainment, GPS based AR apps like transport navigation and location information, one of the promising and upcoming sector that would benefit exceedingly from the technology is the Manufacturing sector.
- Integrating the different streams of manufacturing right from incoming raw-material up-to the finished goods has been evident in the sector through the past decades with the evolution of inventory control through MRP to ERP and Cloud-ERP techniques.
- The seamless integration of the virtual data with the real data aids in phenomenal cost and time reduction.
Augmented Reality is a technology that augments or enhances all sensor-based inputs including sound, video, images and graphics onto the real world scenario, captured using your camera, and presents a tangible and precise output of the virtual embedding.
Few More thing you should know
What is the first AR application
2000: AR Quake launched - the first AR game.
When was the term 'AR' coined?
Augmented reality technology was invented in 1968, with Ivan Sutherland's development of the first head-mounted display system. However, the term 'augmented reality' wasn't coined until 1990 by Boeing researcher Tim Caudell. The technology has come a long way with a growing list of use cases for AR.
What is the next level of Augmented Reality?
AR Glasses, Mixed reality
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